Ezekiel 16:4-6
Eze 16:4 And as for your birth, in the day you were born your navel was not cut, nor were you washed with water to cleanse you. And you were not salted, nor swaddled at all.
Eze 16:5 No eye pitied you, to do any of these to you, to have compassion on you. But you were thrown out into the open field, because your life was despised in the day that you were born.
Eze 16:6 And when I passed by you and saw you squirming in your blood, I said to you in your blood, Live! Yes, I said to you in your blood, Live!
This baby LIVES and may be living in a RICH WHITE PRIVELEGED HOME near you. GEE, the KWB wonders if the Mother’s Rights were abused when her baby was lost to adoption…(Of course Some/many mothers did get pressured, some even 'forced' by the facts of life to relinquish/give up their babies...Not talking about these, folks. THIS IS ABANDONMENT.)
The Korean War Baby does NOT judge the Haitian woman who left her baby in a latrine, crying out for life, struggling to breath. Even for a country as poor as Haiti this was shocking for them, but notice that people stood around looking on without helping, just curious for the longest time. Finally some begin to try cleaning the shit from it’s tiny body. What circumstances could bring a human being to do this? We can never understand unless we were in her place, because we do not know what she herself has gone through. Perhaps she is mentally ill, had a total breakdown, under drugs, driven by circumstances we will never know. We cannot condemn her or even blame her without knowing WHY.
This is an EXTREME but not isolated incident. It represents only a FEW cases of Abandonment in the worse kind. In South Africa in 2002 there were estimated 3,500 cases of Infanticide and Abandonment by parents. This is why groups of NGO’s and churches have set up “Safe-Haven Baby-Drops” where newborn babies can be left with no questions asked. Many women DO give up their rights as a mother, without SIGNING PAPERS. This just IS what it IS, Life sucks sometimes.
A baby hatch is a place where mothers can bring their babies, usually newborn, and leave them anonymously in a safe place to be found and cared for. This kind of arrangement was common in mediaeval times and in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, when the device was known as a foundling wheel. FoundlingWheel_BabyHatch
Baby hatches as such are not known in the United States; however, all 50 states have introduced "Safe-haven laws"[10] since Texas began on September 1, 1999. These allow parents to legally give up their newborn child (younger than 72 hours) anonymously to certain places known as "safe havens", such as fire stations and hospitals.
In this article it highlights what happened after the so called IMF crisis in late 1997-98.
Korean Money Woes Break Up Families
By Sang-hun Choe, AP, Saturday 9 January 1999
In the first half of this year, 2,348 children were sent to the nation’s 272 welfare facilities, up from 826 in the same period of 1997.
But abandoned or orphaned children looking for homes face two hurdles in South Korea—a Confucian society that values strong family ties and sees them as different blood,
and a government that actively discourages adoptions by foreigners.
That leaves the nation overflowing with children waiting for adoption, often in crowded facilities. The government’s quota does not reflect reality,
said Kim Young-bok at the Eastern Child Welfare Society, one of four agencies licensed to handle foreign adoptions. The quota has forced the agency to reject new applicants.
The government introduced the quota system two years ago after news media and politicians began calling overseas adoptions a disgrace to then affluent South Korea. From a high of 8,000 a year during the 1980s, only 2,057 Korean children were adopted abroad last year.
We are in a dilemma,
said Lee Chang-june of the Health and Welfare Ministry. We must get rid of our image as a major exporter of orphans. But people are not adopting children at home.
Despite a government campaign to make adoptions more socially acceptable, the number of children adopted by South Korean families has remained at around 1,200 annually for several years.”
BUT some say rich white priveleged Adopters apparently STOLE us so they could have/save a cute little Asian kid. OH, the horror. What a bunch of CRAP.
In the years since the ‘98 crisis Korea has recovered and yet every year 10,000 children are ABANDONED into the system. The main reasons to cut the numbers of ICA/Overseas adoptions each year is to
The next time some idiot tells you that your adoptive parents ‘stole’ you from your mother, remember this: That’s not the stats. The ungodly truth that we who were LUCKY to be sent OUT of this country must deal with is that Korea is a society that boasts that is it the 11th or 13th in the world, BUT does not take care of its own. Our Western Minds think “how can they NOT take care of their own?” or “Why do Koreans send their children away? You are poor, no more”
HELLO!!! It is NOT about the economy being good. The excuse of poverty does NOT apply. Maybe in the 50’s and until early 1970’s but the REAL reasons go to the BLOOD.
Only its own Blood relatived/Genetically matched relatives are important to the Majority of the Korean people. TIK-This IS Korea.This is why 97% of Domestic and CIVIL adoption is SECRET. Nothing to do with Having money…People are having only ONE child because it costs so much to raise them.
This is the Language of Blood that OUR mother’s people continue to hold onto godless Neo-Confucian belief that society is still centered around.
Even large numbers of Christians who should NOT
think that way, DO. If the KWB had just 60 minutes on Korean Christian television…the sermon he would preach would burn some ears off, ala fiery 19th evangelist and abolitionist preacher, Charles Grandison Finney known for the 2nd Great Awakening Revival.
Maybe if the Christians of Korea got revival they would support natural/birth mothers more in their own families, and society might actually wipe out the need for the 300 institutions and Foster Care, etc. etc.
Until that day, fellow Adoptees and friends, all of you in This Thing of Ours-Adoption let us work together.
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