It is interesting to see the old Korea in these photos before the Japanese Annexation started in 1910 until Liberation in 1945. This is not meant to represent all that Korea was at that time, but rather gives us a glimpse at how far Korea has come since then. Some have claimed that Korea was ‘helped’ by the occupation but this comes mainly from conservative Japanese politicians who try to make this justification for their imperial attempts in Asia.
Despite the years under foreign rule and the war between the communist North and the Democratic South, the Republic of Korea (South Korea) has transformed into the 14th largest country based on GDP. Meanwhile, Communist run DPRK (North Korea) remains mired in poverty and hunger even now, demanding more food aid in trade for brief family reunions and continuing denials of sinking the ROKS Cheonan, a patrol ship that was sunk with lose of 46 sailors.
Are they ignoring FACTS that 22 UN countries have treaties still in place to send MORE troops to protect the sovereignty of the democratic Southern part of the peninsular if the Commie Jackasses attack again? Yet they use loosely the terms ‘Occupation forces’ and “Imperial” when referring to United States Armed Forces, serving at the invitation of the democratically elected government. Even President Roh Moo Hyun, who claimed that he would not ‘kow-tow’ to the US, DID NOT ASK them to leave. HELLO, US troops are here to protect the interests of the country.
Do terrible things happen? Has there been some incidents with violence by individual US Troops? YES, and there has been Korean women who fell in love and married US and UN troops. (Warning: extreme SARCASM coming)-
"Oh,No!The Horror!"
These same ill informed KADs WHINE and MOAN that "Korean women are being taken advantage as sex slaves by the US troops"?! BUT THE FACTS are that most Cross-Cultural marriages today are in fact now FOREIGN NATIONALS, mostly women, coming into the country for Korean MEN. ALSO, Foreign English Teachers from many countries both Male and Female are also “Falling in Love and getting married”. Businessmen and women from foreign lands are also ‘taking advantage of Korean women’?
Oh, stop it! You are killing me! Are all these foreign devils working in the country, “OCCUPATION IMPERIAL FORCES”?!!! HAHAHAHA, PLEASE GIVE ME A BREAK!!! Get the Damn Facts right. Sorry to rant but such idiotic and prejudicial statements in recent films screened at IKAA made such claims. I sure would like to let the Korean Wives of the members of “VKW” know that they were alleged to be “Prostitutes, sluts, women of low class” as is implied in some extreme quarters of the Anti-Adoption Adoptees Association (This is my own term for them, they don't really have a group formed in name-KWB). Why it might be a good idea to post their names so that the Korean Wives of VKW, can set them straight on their 'former occupations' before marriage. Can you say "CATFIGHT"? Watch out, don't mess with Korean Ajuhmahs married to Foreign Devils!
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