... yet still sent abroad, in desperate quest for opportunity, freedom, and a purposeful life. To ignore or discount the record is both misguided and foolish. But then, some persons deny the holocaust.
Don: I will reiterate my statements of the past: I am a bi-racial international adoptee from Korea ...who sees things positive or negative. In regards to adoptions from Korea . I consider myself one of the most fortunate adoptees and I know for a fact, had I not been adopted, I would not be alive to tell my story. I have just celebrated 47 years being in the states. Issues of adoption whether domestic or international are very complex and there are blessings and there are challenges and I would never want to take away from anyone else's adoption experience.
I also do believe that there are just plain cultural factors with Korea . I believe I have given Korea a "pass card" for many decades and excused the country, the culture, the government for their inability to be open and truly accepting of the idea of domestic adoptions within Korea and thus children are placed to families internationally.
Special needs children, bi-racial children, babies who are born of unwed teen mothers....Korea has always had such a hard time dealing with these issues: Korea is now embarrassed by all these children going to other countries but there is not any options within the country so they slow down the process for waiting children??
The bottom line for me has ALWAYS been this: What is the better alternative to adoption whether domestic or international...foster care? institutions..homeless on the streets?.so much criticism on the adoption experience...but honest to God...what is the alternative...to have these homeless and special needs kids be institutionalized forever and then thrown out on the streets when they age out....or end up working in the orphanage or getting mistreated or abused by staff because they are seen the lowest of the societal totem pole and they do not have a voice.
What is the better alternative...for all the negativity and anger and feelings of rage....what was the better alternative...In the US...there are stats that clearly show the least successful of all groups of children growing up are the ones on foster care who get shuttled around from placement to placement to placement.
Amazing that in the many decades I have heard the anti adoption rhetoric I have not heard any alternative or viable solutions from the opposition to help address this issue of homeless children.
Nancy A.*******************************Just some of the responses from Adoptees with various stories and experiences across the board. How about YOU, were you adopted? Do you think all adoption should STOP? Send me your stories, Good or Bad, across the board of the Spectrum of This Thing of Ours-Adoption.
Facebook days are probably numbered but KWB will continue to demand answers.
Ask various GOA'L staff "What is going ON?"
Office & Support Staff
Secretary General
Mr. Dae-won Kim (adoptee, Switzerland)
Email: sg@goal.or.kr [Languages: German, English, French, Korean]
Formerly known as Jan Wenger, Daewon Wenger
Vice Secretary General/ Interim Secretary General??
Ms. Katie Mee Joo Putes (adoptee, USA)
Email: vsg@goal.or.kr
Office AdministratorMs. Ji-young Lee
Email: office@goal.or.kr [Languages: Korean, English]
Birth Family Search Department Ms. Gi-Young Hwang
Email: bfs@goal.or.kr [Languages: Korean, English, Dutch]
Mr. Sebastien Vanderlinden (adoptee, Belgium)
Email: bfs.eu@goal.or.kr [Languages: English, French, Spanish]
Volunteer & Communication (Translation) Services DepartmentMs. Lydia Kim, Volunteer Coordinator
Email: volunteer@goal.or.kr [Languages: Korean, English]
Sponsorship & Fundraising DepartmentMs. Hangsoon Lee, Directordonation@goal.or.kr [Languages: Korean, English]
One GOA'L member asks:
Dear Don,
As a paying GOAL-member I did want to vote as well. For just that reason I had some extra questions to a future (maybe)SG, to Seth Hammontree. He was my favorite and we (several members from Netherlands) wanted to vote for him.
My question to you is if there were any questions asked to Seth at that meeting? (goal promised me to do so). Seth was denied a chance, seems it was just TOO complicated to set up a Skype connection, though computers were in the KOREAN BANKING INSTITUTE, I suppose it is just too technical. Go ask the Vice-SG Katie MeeJoo Kim Puties:
Vice Secretary General
Ms. Katie Mee Joo Putes (adoptee, USA)
Email: vsg@goal.or.kr Putes Katie Mee Joo is confused with her role and title, doesn't know if she is the Interim Secretary General or still the Vice-SG. I asked her, ARE YOU in charge or NOT? You are supposed to be the Interim SG, until someone is appointed by the Board of Directors. She wants to meet me face to face, but I will not go to the office again. Never until this is explained to the Members.
I am Mad as Hell, and I am not going to take it anymore!March 31, 10:00 AM
However, though I do disagree with some content of yours, I do strongly believe in a democratic way of leading a Foundation likewise GOAL.
Gang of 33 voted to NEVER allow email, scanned documents of votes, or proxy votes in future General Meetings. WHAT? GO ask them. Former SG Jan Daewon Kim Wenger could 'only' say that it was passed. This is what happens when ONLY present members are allowed to vote. Global Overseas Adoptee's Link should change to : Only Adoptees in Korea adoptee's Link OAKALYOU'VE BEEN BAMBOOZLED, TRICKED, ROBBED, OF YOUR RIGHTS, and it has nothing to do with ME, the Korean War Baby. It was my intention to withdraw ONLY after I knew that several good candidates were running. I was asked several time, are you withdrawing, you could just run as a Candidate for the BoD, or the Community Board (which is full of the Gang of 33 now. WHY was I asked to withdraw from the SG? Do you think I could have won ANY POSITION with the voters allowed to bring others to join as GOA'L members ON THE DAY OF ELECTION? NOT POSSIBLE: No, they know that I stand for Neutrality, and you watch, WHO WILL THEY APPOINT AS SECRETARY GENERAL?
The BoD cannot meet until Local elections are finished. With Molly Holt NOT re-elected the board has an imbalanced majority of FOUR, Pastor Kim DoHyun and Jan Daewon Kim Wenger plus two other Liberal Democrats. Gee, I will bet the SG will be a member of the Gang of 33. Mark my words. THEY want to Politicize GOA'L, please ask them for what?
For that; suddenly pushing forward a -new- prospect SG is basically saying to all the paying members: "I don't care a fuck about you!"
As well I did ask Daewon Wenger specifically to bring in the question of -voting new style-. I can proof that with email-trackrecord-! I said; GOAL should make it possible to vote even if you are not in Korea at all. Most of the adoptees do live abroad.
I wanted to vote but got a mail back from Vice-SG that was NOT possible. HuuHHH??????"
The Korean War Baby will not just go away quietly, Old Adoptees never die, they just fade away....WELL, I am Mad as Hell and I am NOT going to take it anymore!
Amazing that in the many decades I have heard the anti adoption rhetoric I have not heard any alternative or viable solutions from the opposition to help address this issue of homeless children.
Facebook days are probably numbered but KWB will continue to demand answers.
Ask various GOA'L staff "What is going ON?"
Office & Support Staff
Secretary General
Mr. Dae-won Kim (adoptee, Switzerland)
Email: sg@goal.or.kr [Languages: German, English, French, Korean]
Formerly known as Jan Wenger, Daewon Wenger
Vice Secretary General/ Interim Secretary General??
Ms. Katie Mee Joo Putes (adoptee, USA)
Email: vsg@goal.or.kr
Office AdministratorMs. Ji-young Lee
Email: office@goal.or.kr [Languages: Korean, English]
Birth Family Search Department Ms. Gi-Young Hwang
Email: bfs@goal.or.kr [Languages: Korean, English, Dutch]
Mr. Sebastien Vanderlinden (adoptee, Belgium)
Email: bfs.eu@goal.or.kr [Languages: English, French, Spanish]
Volunteer & Communication (Translation) Services DepartmentMs. Lydia Kim, Volunteer Coordinator
Email: volunteer@goal.or.kr [Languages: Korean, English]
Sponsorship & Fundraising DepartmentMs. Hangsoon Lee, Directordonation@goal.or.kr [Languages: Korean, English]
One GOA'L member asks:
As a paying GOAL-member I did want to vote as well. For just that reason I had some extra questions to a future (maybe)SG, to Seth Hammontree. He was my favorite and we (several members from Netherlands) wanted to vote for him.
My question to you is if there were any questions asked to Seth at that meeting? (goal promised me to do so). Seth was denied a chance, seems it was just TOO complicated to set up a Skype connection, though computers were in the KOREAN BANKING INSTITUTE, I suppose it is just too technical. Go ask the Vice-SG Katie MeeJoo Kim Puties:
Ms. Katie Mee Joo Putes (adoptee, USA)
Email: vsg@goal.or.kr
However, though I do disagree with some content of yours, I do strongly believe in a democratic way of leading a Foundation likewise GOAL.
The BoD cannot meet until Local elections are finished. With Molly Holt NOT re-elected the board has an imbalanced majority of FOUR, Pastor Kim DoHyun and Jan Daewon Kim Wenger plus two other Liberal Democrats. Gee, I will bet the SG will be a member of the Gang of 33. Mark my words. THEY want to Politicize GOA'L, please ask them for what?
For that; suddenly pushing forward a -new- prospect SG is basically saying to all the paying members: "I don't care a fuck about you!"
As well I did ask Daewon Wenger specifically to bring in the question of -voting new style-. I can proof that with email-trackrecord-! I said; GOAL should make it possible to vote even if you are not in Korea at all. Most of the adoptees do live abroad.
I wanted to vote but got a mail back from Vice-SG that was NOT possible. HuuHHH??????"
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